I have never, ever, no really not ever responded to a tag. But as I was awake last night from 3am-4am because a startling dream, I stared to think about random things I would say if I ever were to respond. So I'm throwing caution to the wind and doing it.
I am: pregnant and uncomfortable
I think: my husband is crazy because he's reading the Twilight series (and I won't)
I know: that I will probably get hemorrhoids from birthing this baby
I want: a Toyota Sienna Minivan
I have: witty children
I wish: Hy was done with school
I hate: when people smoke in cars that are in front of me on the road
I miss: traveling
I fear: random and irrational things (like my children being eaten my a mountain lion)
I feel: pretty good--I just woke up from a long nap
I hear: the air conditioner buzzing
I smell: pretty good-I actually showered today
I crave: chocolate on top of chocolate on top of chocolate
I search: for vegetarian recipes my husband will not complain about
I wonder: why mormons love to do sign language to things like songs and young women themes, when no one in their ward is deaf
I regret: not going to Europe with my husband before we had kids--because he won't shut up about it
I love: my 24 inch iMac
I care: less what most people think of me
I always: think of new ways to decorate my house
I am not: good at pretending to like people that I don't
I believe: that being a good parent means your kids at some point will hate you
I dance: everyday and lately with my 6 year old
I sing: good enough for church, not good enough for choir
I don't always: acknowledge my husband on my blog--I really do think he rocks more than your husbands--that's right I said it
I fight: the urge to ram into the back of slow moving cars
I write: in my journal occasionally
I lose: my memory when I'm pregnant
I win: at random games I've never played before like Risk or Settler's of Catan
I never: wear make-up (on occasion mascara and Burt's Bee's lip balm)
I listen: to Dave Ramsey on the radio---The best financial advice---E-V-E-R
I can usually be found: in front of the computer checking photography blogs
I am scared: that one of my random and irrational fears will come true
I need: the friends that I have
I am happy about: my girls and how much personality they have
I tag: whoever the crap feels up to it