OK, Ok, this is not OBVIOUSLY me. I just thought I'd catch everybody on a day that I know most people are checking my blog.
This my niece NOELLE. She has Diabetes. This is what she wrote:
When I got diabetes.
I was in first grade (I was about 6 years old at the time) when one day I came home and ate two whole burritos. After that I drank about half a gallon of water. I was going to the bathroom a lot too. My mom was very worried about me because I had never done this before.
Since my mom was so worried about me she looked on the computer and found the symptoms I had. She found out that those symptoms were the symptoms of diabetes so we called our family doctor and she said to come down right away.
My family and I went down to the doctor’s office and she took my blood to check my blood sugars. They were not what they were supposed to be. I had diabetes. So she said to go down to a special pediatric endocrinologist to help me (and my parents) with my dumb diabetes.
We got to the office and one of the nurses said that if I hadn’t gone to their office that day I would have passed out. They told my parents what diabetes was and how to help it.
We went back to the office for three days and they put a tracker in me to watch what my diabetes blood sugars. After a week we took it out and my mom looked at the needle and cried. It was bloody from going into my body so deep.
After about nine months of doing insulin shots I got a diabetes pump. A pump specialist came to my house teach my mom and dad how to put a diabetes set on me.
Now, five years later, I can do my own diabetes set including the insulin and the set (the little round white circle with the tube sticking out).
I do not like having diabetes one bit but I’m still learning how to manage my diabetes at school and at friends’ house.
That is when I got diabetes on September 9th 2002
Isn't that the saddest little story? This is the sweetest girl E-V-E-R. Noelle was recently in the hospital with uncontrollable blood sugars. She and her parents did everything possible to get her blood sugars lowered but nothing worked. The last option was to go to the emergency room. One additional visit to the ER and 3 days in pediatric intensive care later and she was able to go home. The good news is that on her next visit with her doctor, her hemoglobin A1c test was the best it has been in 5 years of diabetes.
That sucks for her. She's just a kid and she has the HUGEST responsibility to monitor her blood sugars.
Why I'm posting this--to ask you to give money to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) to help find a cure.
Every year we do the JDRF walk to support Noelle. This year it's on November 3rd at 9:00am. We do a big walk around Tempe. Each year I try to raise some money. You can come along if you like.
JDRF has made it so easy. Just click HERE and you can do it all online. I did it and you can see my donation on the list. I've learned that in order to ask for donations you got to give first-and I did.
So if you could skip your McDonald's for the week. Or give up your trips to QT for your Diet Cokes and instead donate whatever you can to JDRF, it would be absolutely fantastic.
I know you all have a cause your linked to. And I will support any of you with what I can once the time comes.
So what do you say??? Grab your wallet---RIGHT NOW--and donate anything. Just send her a little note telling her to keep it up. She really is a rockin' little girl. OOPs if she read this I mean Young lady.
All you have to is click HERE.

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