Today was the first day EVER in my life that I wish I had more laundry to fold. You see--I am a lover of NPR (National Public Radio) and the Saturday program THIS AMERICAN LIFE. So I dumped out the three loads that I washed on ummmmmm Wednesday and decided to stream an episode of THIS AMERICAN LIFE and fold my laundry. Captivating! This episode was about a group of prisoners doing the Shakespeare play Hamlet. It sucked me in. I had my laundry folded in no time and I was on auto pilot because I don't even remember doing it. So then I sat for another 20 minutes or so on the floor of my office just listening, wishing I had more laundry to fold. WHAT??? I've never said that before.
If you have never listened to THIS AMERICAN LIFE then you need to. It's all stories of . . .well. . . like the title says--THIS AMERICAN LIFE. Sometimes, funny, sometimes sad sometimes very poignant---or all three at the same time. Seriously--check it out there are so many episodes to choose from--and I have yet to be disappointed.
Just click on the "Full Episode" icon and it will stream it through your computer. It makes laundry much, much better.
sounds fun. Micah is a big fan of NPR so he may have heard of this one....I on the other hand do the OPRAH laundry folding and it's done in no time at all.....like yesterdays topic..."the other woman" speaks out--it was great to hear how sad these women really were and the best was the wife that actually sued his husbands mistress and won $50,000! Wish I would have thought of that one! ;) Brought a big smile to my face!
Oh my gosh that picture of you and Lisa and Tiffany rules! Thats totally back when I met you guys from Ryan Solomon, or actually I met Lisa a while before that from Meagan...anyway that was so fun back then. Jennie and I made a list once of all the concerts we had been to, and it was over 100 :) and thats just the ones we could remember! And I freaking have hearing loss cuz of it!
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