Yesterday Red was telling us all about her Kindergarten tales. She had told us a week ago about how a little boy named Ben knocked her water bottle out of her hand and told her to quit playing mermaids. So her and I had a discussion on how she needs to tell Ben to step off. Anyhow, this is the next exchange she had with a classmate (Sophie) this is how Red told it to us:
"I was playing at recess and Sophie asked me what I was doing"
"I said I was hiding from Ben because he knocked my water out of my hand and told me not to play mermaids"
"Sophie said--He's like a dead bird"
"Then she took me and showed me a dead bird"
"But I think it wasn't a dead bird"
"It was just a pile of feathers"
That was the end of the story. Hy and I exchanged a look and tried not to laugh out of our chairs---WHAT???
Update on house:
Dryer is officially broken (have I told you that yet?). We bought a new one at Spencers for $300. Luckily they had a random sale of only last year's model of a dryer--they got a crapload of them on close out. So it's a super nice frontloader dryer. However, it looks nothing like our washer. AC is still broke--and it's hot. In fact I am sporting an exposed belly as we speak for at least a bit of relief. Still trying to make a decison as to what to do. Took a trip to IKEA to fix an "oops" in our kitchen. Hy is supposed to fix that tonight. We'll let you know how it goes. We came up with a pendant lamp. As soon as I get my junk together I'll take a picture. I love it. Hy is a rockstar. I'm about to start on a budget--super stoked about it. WHAT??? STOKED??? Yes. I take odd pleasure in denying myself of things. Counters come one Thursday. I may take pictures after that. Keep checking.
I cant wait til Cohen tells random stories that make no sense. Kids rock!
Love the story...we've had a few from Cam and I love it! Kindergarten is awesome! Hope you get your AC fixed....89 is still pretty hot! Maybe you should come and visit the wintery states like Utah and Idaho!!! :)
holy crap no ac still!? that is insane!
funny story from Red! kindergarten tales are totally hilarious! can't wait to see the goods! i mean your pendant lamp and counters! ikea! NICE!
Bummer about the AC. Can't believe you are living through it.
Only Red would have that conversation and then be with-it enough to remember and repeat it. I'm impressed.
"he's like a dead bird." wow. little kids really do have the best insight sometimes.
For reals, your kids are the funniest. I subbed in a first grade class the other day, and I have to say; they've got some good stories.
i think that is the same ben who claire is in love with. she even told christian (my husband) that he was her boyfriend and there was nothing he could do about it.
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