I got tagged forever ago to post my desktop. At the time blogger and my internet were hating me, but today I think they took a break. I have not photo for wallpaper as you can see--just trusty ol' iMAC blue. We switched from PC to MAC about a year ago. All I can say is:
Once you go MAC
You don't go back
I don't have the time or sufficient know-how to draw lines to all my stuff so I'll just list some of the stuff and you can play I-SPY
1. Sticky notes--One thing about MACs is that they are randomly useful. Like Sticky notes, it's a program. I love it and use it all the time. One has a quote on it from President Kimball on how you should never live with family once your married--he was a wise man.
2. Folders across the top. One is for my RAW Photos, another is RAdiohead's new album Hyrum downloaded, another Pictures I want to Post. Mi Amigos--a photo collection I did for Hy's dad, one that says m,, but used to say CRAP until my kids starting playing around with the computer. House ideas--it has ideas for my house. And then Mesa Shots--pictures I took for my friend Jami and never sent.
3. A word document that my niece wrote about her diabetes.
4. iCHAT--my favorite program on my MAC--anyone want to chat??
5. Pictures I just posted on my photo blog.
6. My Dock--with all my open programs. Finder, Ichat, firefox, safar, ical, Photoshop, itunes, HP scanner, stickies, preview.
So tada--there is my desktop. Now I'm going to do some clearing off.