Someone PLEASE explain this to me.
Why does everyone--or at least many government officials--hate the rich?
My morning NPR has brought me to this morning's rant. Pansy politicians who want the rich to be punished--because they are rich--those wealthy bastards. Seriously?
Bush's tax cuts end at the end of the year. So politicians are scrambling at what to do. Taxes are supposed to go up across the board. An estimated 2.5% for everyone. The estate tax to 55% that's right people, you get taxed twice for making money.
Their thinking as presented on the radio: It's a recession, we can't up taxes. The public would be outraged. But then again, if we just up the taxes for people who make over $250,000 then that could show the people of America how we are serious about the deficit. The only people who aren't happy with taxing the rich are the rich. (that is actually what they said)
Um, WRONG. I'm not happy with it. And I'm the poor. TECHNICALLY poor. I think we're actually technically poverty at the moment, but that is just ridiculous.
Why do the rich have to take care of everything? Did they get rich by never having to pay taxes, or working hard? No. It's not fair. If they choose to work 80+ hour weeks and max out their credit cards to start a business that ends up becoming successful then we should celebrate that. Because guess what, they created jobs. LOTS and LOTS of jobs. And even if they didn't. It's THEIR money. We have NO RIGHT to it. They should be treated like everyone else. EVERYONE should be taxed the same. Make it fair.
Because you know what it actually does? It makes the rich want to hide their money in off shore accounts. OR it makes people like dentists and doctors figure out a way to make $249,999 a year just to fly under the radar. Even though they should be able to make as much money as they want. They went to at least 8 years of school AFTER high school. It's a sacrifice--they should earn the money they deserve and not be punished for it.
And the pansy politicians. Some want to vote on it soon (the ones from poor areas) to show that they are serious about things. Then the ones from the suburbs want to wait until after elections. Their constituents are "the rich". Balls up people. Do what you would do either way.
Politicians suck.
Oh and the estate tax. Don't forget about that. Here is the letter from the government:
Dear people who are dead,
Thank you for working so hard for the American dream. You saved (unlike us) and lived within your means (unlike us) you managed your estates well (unlike us). Thank you for working at a time when industry was actually located IN America. For working jobs that required shift work, hard hats and steel toed boots. We as a government salute you (suckers) with our hands to our foreheads (or our middle fingers). The taxes that you paid on that hard earned money has paid for roads and schools and so many worthwhile programs. Again we thank you (*snort).
Now that you are dead, as of January 1st, 55% of it is now OURS. We hope your work ethic and thriftiness is passed on to your children (so we can someday take their money too--oh wait we just did). Didn't anyone tell you that you can't take it with you?
U.S. Government
Post note: This rant is dedicated to my hardworking, thrifty parents. Who have no debt, have money in the bank, and land with a home that is paid in full. I will do my best as your daughter to lawfully make sure that the government doesn't see a penny of what you worked so hard for. I just need to find me a "rich" person who knows the tricks.
Grrrr! That post made me so mad....but NOT at you....at our government! Thanks for keeping me informed...and I am so posting a link to this....so EVERYONE can read it....because they should!!!!
And again I say to you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Matthew 19:24
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