Dear People Who Don't Care,
Beck has pooped on the toilet 3 times. One was a week or so ago, and then one yesterday, and then one today. The one today is the most exciting because Annabelle told me that he grabbed her hand and walked her to the bathroom. Then she said, "Do you need to poop?" And he nodded his head, then he sat down and did his business. I'm not getting my hopes up too high, we're taking it slow. But having NO kids in diapers is sounding really good. And he's not even 2 yet. Woo-hoo!
I am so jealous. Emmett went once and he is so traumatized that he will not do it again. He sits on it and grunts and tells me he is done -- then poops his pants! ERRRR
I care! I care!! ;)
Go Beck~
WOW!! I am totally jealous! I barley got my almost 4 year old potty trained. I trained him a year ago, but he regressed when my daughter was born in July. Then I have a 2 1/2 year old that completely refuses. I guess I should feel lucky I only have 2 in diapers now.
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