Somehow our dinner scripture study which was focused on priesthood blessing and the power for God to heal, turned to where babies come from. Randomly, my friend and I had just been having the conversation on how to impart that wisdom to our children.
I learned in 3rd grade. Not from my parents, but from my friend whose mom was much more open and liberal. She was a good girl, it wasn't like a trashy thing, but I learned LOTS. 3rd grade. Guess what grade Annabelle is entering. . .
That's right.
So it's up to me to be the front line. She had asked some sort of question and she said, "you know. Like when moms and dads kiss and the seed goes from the dad to the mom" She was saying the men do have babies (because of the seed part) because I was talking about the glorious blessing that was given specifically to women to be creators and carriers of life.
Luckily, my friend had told me that she had read in a book to make it exciting and special like she was going to be in on a big secret that was JUST WONDERFUL.
So that's what I did.
I said "That's not how it works. But dad and I are going to tell you soon."
and she excitedly said, "Tell me now! I want to know"
and I said, "I can't. We only get to tell you when you are 8 and there are some kids around the table who aren't 8. But it's going to be great and you'll get to know something very, very special and sacred. You'll get to know how it work! It's very important (meanwhile I have a big exciting smile on my face) and it's also very sacred. Do you know what sacred means?"
She shook her head no
I said "It means it's something that Heavenly Father thinks is very special and spiritual. So we are going to make a time for just you, dad and I to get together and it's going to be super great."
So now what do I do?
Come on people, give me what you got. Either what you did that worked, or didn't work. Books, tips, suggestions.
Help a girl out here. I'm now on a timeline.