I love having a routine, except in summer--that's when I'm willy nilly. But school is here and I want to get back to my calendaring and my routines. Especially with kids.
I'm currently planning my get home from school and bed time routines. I thought I'd add in scripture study, since we don't do that around our house.
Anyhow, I was wondering what your bright ideas were. What is your get home from school routine? Chores/homework/snack/reading . . . what???? Also your before bed routine. Anything you have found that works for you?
Input please. Even if you don't know me. I love to meet new people.
way to go putting it together now.
the scripture thing triggered this comment. don't know if you saw that giveaway i did last year for the scripture a day book, "adventures with the word of god" . it's a daily scripture for a year with themes and activities. geared toward kids. my friend (the author) does it with her kids over breakfast.
um, i suck at routine, but i do have rules- my kids come home, do a snack, then homework, a half hour of outside play and then they can play computer or watch tv. no screens until all of the other has been done. I'm going to have to add in piano practice time, and voice practice for those that have it.
bedtime? i aim for quiet time at 8:00 lights out at 8:30 they can read or whatever but i don't wanna see them after that.
but most of my kids are older than yours.
there we go a novel.
it's available here http://www.cedarfort.com/catalog/9780882908458.html (if you get your comments to email the link should work. otherwise sorry that is lame.
Homework always comes first, even before snack. I usually bring a snack when I pick them up from school.
We do scripture study right after dinner, we actually did it during dinner for a while, and that really worked well. It kept the kids around the table longer, and it was easier than trying to gather them all another time later.
Family prayer is usually right after scriptures, even if it is not bedtime, that way we know it gets done!
7:30 we start having the kids slowly get ready for bed, they need to be in rooms by 8:05, and then depending on how good they are they can have quiet time til around 8:30. last night they weren't good, so they were in bed with lights out by 8:00.
Our lives are super chaotic, but it seems to work. we have a lot of nights where kids are on the go, so we really like to get the important stuff done.
We've also done scriptures in the car before, when it has been needed. A little chaotic, but I think the kids get the point that it's important.
Good Luck!
I lurk on your blog but had to put in my 2 cents as to scripture study - I have tried it all over the years and the only way I can get it done with less aggravation is in the morning before anything else - husband is home (works alot and misses lots of dinner) everyone is awake and must take turns reading (I have teenagers and they will doze, so we each read a verse in turn until 15 mins is up), I assign a child to set the alarm and start practicing the piano to wake everyone up (this ensures success because YOU are not incharge of EVERYTHING!) We also bought one of the family BOMs and the explainations in the footnotes have been great! This has been the most successful routine for scripture I have found.
Good Luck!
homework first, then chores, then they can play. IN the mornings they have to make their beds and clean up before school. At bed we have a 15 minute clean up....it it's not gone in 15 it's in the garbage. Usually works and have only had to throw out a few thing! :) We then get on pj's, brush teeth, go potty, then we are ready to sit down and read scriptures and say prayers. All of this is done by 7:30pm! Since the boys have been home we haven't done it before 8:30--but we still have 2 weeks to tweek it! :) Good luck and let me know how it all works out for you! :)
I'm doing music practice before school--it works much, much better than after.
Scripture study happens at meal time, and it's uber short. With kids it works best to talk about one verse or story--too discouraging for them to listen to a bunch of reading they don't understand.
Good luck with the routine!
I am not to good at routine either, but here is mine..before school- get up, get dressed, make beds, eat, prayers, out the door. after school i let them have a snack first, they are always STARVING! then homwork and then play. WE have dinner and right after dinner we go and read scriptures and have prayers then too. Otherwise someone falls asleep early, or we have something for school or church or whatever. That way we dont forget or get too sidetracked. thats my two bits!
I just found your blog somehow and I like it! I went to school with Hyrum and Val- and we have 3 girls and a baby boy too so I can relate to a lot of your posts! I hate routines but am realizing they are necessary with kids, and maybe I need them too. After school they get a snack and tell me the best and worse thing about the day and then we go through folders and they do homework. Bedtime I usually aim for them to be all ready by 7:30 (doesn't always happen) and then they can read or play quietly in their room until 8, when lights go out. We've started getting them up at 6am and sometimes they are so tired by the end of the day they just want to go to bed even if it isn't 8! Mornings we get up at 6, get dressed in our walking clothes, read scriptures for maybe 10 minutes or so, have family prayer, then walk around the neighborhood for 30 minutes. We're home by 7 or so and then we can get ready for school, clean up rooms and eat breakfast. A good way to ease into scripture reading with kids is to get those Scripture Mastery cards from the distribution center- we used to just pull out one of those each morning and read the scripture and the info on the back of the card. It was better than nothing, and helped us get into the habit. Good luck, sorry this is a book!
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