So I've decided to put the Kizzy in with Beck so we need a twin bed.
Does anyone have one they are selling?
Or know where I can get a frame for cheap?
Also, where is the cheapest mattress and box spring sets?
I'm thinking I just want a bed frame and mattress set. Does D.I. have bed frame sets?
Give me all the info you got!
start searching garage sales. DI has some but they are way over priced if you want to go used. try goodwill 50% off day. (they have one every other week) savers has 50% off day coming up on labor day.
i think all of those places have headboards and bed frames on occasion.
IKEA has some good deals... Sleep America is always running adds. We got Sam's there years ago she still loves it.
if you are going for just a bed frame you can get one at Sam's for $30 and mattresses....well, no idea there. Good luck.....we need to do the same thing around here and I don't want too! Since it means I'll be giving up nap time because then Gabe won't stay down here!!!
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