Knees bent under on the carpet
At the lake
Covers her head with her wooby in her car seat
On the laundry room tile floor in front of the dryer
In Beck's Bumbo
Standing up on the couch
Lawn chair
With Josie "having her ear" (which is highly irritating)
And a video
I also have one of her all nakey sitting on a stool with her head asleep on a table, but I thought--maybe I don't want that out there
Those are great! I thought Coop was creative with sleeping, but he's just an amateur compared to her!
WOW! That's awesome! Jaxon is just the opposite. If he's not in his bed, he's not sleeping...PERIOD!
PS- which lens did you rent? I rented the 80-200 2.8... it was pretty sweet! (and also comes with a $1400 price tag!)
Now that's a gift! I love the first pic, with her flip flops...too cute!
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