Thursday, February 5, 2009

So that explains it

Last night the girls were in the bath and I was listening to them from the office.

Annabelle: "Don't drink the water--I just peed in it"

So I gagged and ran and asked Annabelle if she peed--and she said "you heard that?" And I asked her again and she slowly shook her head no. Then I said "Do you promise?" (this kid can't lie for her life) and she said "I don't like to promise". So then I was on fire and slightly gagging. Yanking them out of the bathtub and trying to rinse them off with water from the faucet. I told her I was taking her points and she needed to go to bed NOW!

The bathtub smelled a bit like pee the other day and I COULD NOT figure out why. Now I can. G-R-O-S-S. I expect that from Beck (he pees every time) but not my oldest girl. YUCK. She's banned from baths. At least until I calm my gag reflex.

P.S. Beck is feeling better--thanks for all the help Dr. Moms


Micah and Jen said...

Nasty! At least she told her sister though...instead of just letting her drink it! :)

Snarky Belle said...

I love it..."you heard that?"...I am laughing our loud right now! :)

Cicily said...

What's the big deal, all drains go the same place.

Brittney said...

Yo Jill- I decided to click on your page after being on Sheri's. My little sister revealed to me when we were older that she used to go pee pee in our bath water all the time. Disgusting! Especially since we used to play double dare and pour the water all over our faces.