- Lenor for being super woman and watching my kids, bringing her saw and man skills over to demolish my closet, and her willingless to listen to me whine cry and feel sorry for myself
- Rainy Days
- Flip Flops year round
- Trader Joes bitter hot chocolate
- Beck for being my new little boyfriend
- Annabelle for being sweet, helpful and obedient
- Josie for being rebellious and hilarious and for putting her eye patch on 3 hours everyday
- Kizzy for being sassy, beautiful and spoiled
- My iMac
- My dad for loaning me, at zero interest, the money to purchase my Canon 5D
- My Canon 5D
- Jami for selling me my first DSLR
- Real Whip Cream
- Charleston's Prime Rib Sandwich
- Backyard
- Molly for being my talented friend who goes along with all of my crazy artsy ideas that I have no talent for. And for making my Christmas card
- iChat
- Cicily for talking to me everyday on Gmail Chat and always saying funny things
- Adult Kizzy for letting me use her yard for photos
- My house
- My fridge
- The chocolate chip cookie recipe I found this year that actually turns out
- Color
- Job security for Hyrum--Economy may suck, but that doesn't stop people from getting sick
- Prints of my photography I finally did through a pro company and put on my wall. De-lish
- Sheri for introducing me to Alphabeat
- My 24-70 lens for making my photography much better and much more fun (and distorted)
- & (ampersand)
- Cami for coming up with crafty things that I will never do, but will always admire
- How About Orange and Decor8 for giving me a reason to put off editing. And for giving me the ideas that the aforementioned Molly has to help me with.
- Ned's Samich
- Marlo for being spontaneous and moving to Hawaii so I can live through her.
- My bunko girls (we actually don't play bunko anymore) for giving me one night a month to step away from being wife and mother and being able to be talky talky girls 'til 2am
- Kimri for babysitting for me so I can go to Broadway shows
- Lindsay for letting me borrow her Benjamin Moore Color wheel a year ago and either not remembering or not caring that I still have it.
- Hyrum for always chasing his dreams and taking me along for the ride.
- Darcy for cutting my hair since 1996 and always watching my kids and for going with me to pick out makeup and for giving me homeade wheat bread. You are a homemaking rockstar
- Ben Folds for making cry and dance (not at the same time)
- Mom and Dad for parenting me well and for giving me confidence that is disproportionate with my looks and abilities (I copied that from Tina Fey)
- 30 Rock for being the only show that makes me laugh out loud
- Nielsen's frozen custard
- In N' Out Burger
- Lisa and Tiff for being those friends that I don't see often but when we get together it's like we never lost a minute. And for memories that make me laugh at random moments
- Ashley for always boosting my photography ego
- All the photographers I blogstock for inspiration
- Wendy Schulz for making me a better photographer
- Trader Joes Greek style yogurt
- Blogging for giving me this outlet to give thanks
I was shopping at Trader Joes and a young twenty something store employee stopped me, "Mam", she said, (Mam?? is she really talking to me? mam??) "where did you get your cardigan?" (now that's more like it) "LOFT" I answer. And she stares blankly--"you know, Ann Taylor's LOFT?" Still blank. So I instruct her where to find a store, and move along. So I have found my niche-my choice of caridigan color-still cool, my choice of store to purchase it at--only cool to those of us "Mams".
Thursday, November 27, 2008
As I was awake
. . . last night at 12:40 with a stomach threatening to barf because of too many fried foods, I had time to think about what I was truly thankful for. Itemized:
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Awesome--Not Awesome
Josie can hold her breath for a long time under water--even in the bathtub
Josie is good at going limp and playing dead when I find her floating face down in the tub and lift her out in a panic.
She does respond with a laugh when slapped in the face (in an effort to check for life).
Josie can hold her breath for a long time under water--even in the bathtub
Josie is good at going limp and playing dead when I find her floating face down in the tub and lift her out in a panic.
She does respond with a laugh when slapped in the face (in an effort to check for life).
Sunday, November 23, 2008
out of their mouths
Annabelle: Mom I thought these jeans might be for boys because there is a lot of room down there for a weenie
Josie: (to Annabelle) Knock off
Annabelle: It's knock it off
Josie: Mom is knock it off a bad word?
Me: No, it's just a mommy word
Kizzy quoted Alvin and the chipmunks today. Quoting movies is par for Josie, but I've never heard Kizzy do it--she's only 2.
Kizzy: Is this a house? No it's a garbage can.
Josie: (to Annabelle) Knock off
Annabelle: It's knock it off
Josie: Mom is knock it off a bad word?
Me: No, it's just a mommy word
Kizzy quoted Alvin and the chipmunks today. Quoting movies is par for Josie, but I've never heard Kizzy do it--she's only 2.
Kizzy: Is this a house? No it's a garbage can.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Dear Shoppers
I am looking for a few things for Christmas.
1. Tea Cups (with saucers if possible) that have letters on them. I want each girl to have their own with the first letter of their name so they will stop fighting over the ones I have now.
2. My tea kettle took a turn for the worst. I want a new one. One I can actually use. I would like it to have red or pink on it.
3. There is something else I need, but I can't think of it.
Link me. You all did so well last time.
1. Tea Cups (with saucers if possible) that have letters on them. I want each girl to have their own with the first letter of their name so they will stop fighting over the ones I have now.
2. My tea kettle took a turn for the worst. I want a new one. One I can actually use. I would like it to have red or pink on it.
3. There is something else I need, but I can't think of it.
Link me. You all did so well last time.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
What's in your make-up bag?
I've been wanting to do this post for a while and have never gotten around to it. So the question is:
I think this is funny. This is mine:

1 lash curler
1 Great Lash Mascara
1 Cover Girl face Powder --205 Ivory
1 Clinique eyeliner I purchased---I believe---somewhere around 2002
1 Body Shop Lip Liner shade: Mohagany. I don't think they even do make-up anymore
Everyone knows I'm not a big fan of makeup. I'm all about being natural. Well, not my hair, but my face. I don't wear makeup and as a reward--I have really good skin. But as I am getting older, I realize I need to look a little better. And after every pregnancy I go through this. I want to look good---well actually---foxy. So with the help of my friend Darcy (also my hair stylist) and Sephora my make-up bag now looks like this:

Now only if I could replicate it . . .
I think this is funny. This is mine:

1 lash curler
1 Great Lash Mascara
1 Cover Girl face Powder --205 Ivory
1 Clinique eyeliner I purchased---I believe---somewhere around 2002
1 Body Shop Lip Liner shade: Mohagany. I don't think they even do make-up anymore
Everyone knows I'm not a big fan of makeup. I'm all about being natural. Well, not my hair, but my face. I don't wear makeup and as a reward--I have really good skin. But as I am getting older, I realize I need to look a little better. And after every pregnancy I go through this. I want to look good---well actually---foxy. So with the help of my friend Darcy (also my hair stylist) and Sephora my make-up bag now looks like this:

Now only if I could replicate it . . .
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Calling all Ye Mormons
If you walked into my house you would have no idea I was religious. And being Mormon is something most people put on their wall. Mostly with sayings like these:

So I'm going to do it--I'm going to find a quote or scripture and put it up. My style--with some help from a super talented friend (no pressure Molly). Because I don't do maroon crackle--it's jut not ME. So question is: What should I put? Ideas please Ideas. What are your favorite quotable lines from talks or favorite-shorter scriptures or mormon sayings or lines from hymns Whatever. Give it to me
P.s. If you're not Mormon, give me your favorite inspirational quote for life or Bible quote. Yes we do read and BELIEVE the Bible.
P.s.s. if you are Mormon, that last p.s. applies to you as well.
You can give me as many as you want. I want churchy quotes or inspirational words like "Just Be" (Tara Whitney's)
P.s.s.s. You don't have to know me to participate. I love a good lurker.

So I'm going to do it--I'm going to find a quote or scripture and put it up. My style--with some help from a super talented friend (no pressure Molly). Because I don't do maroon crackle--it's jut not ME. So question is: What should I put? Ideas please Ideas. What are your favorite quotable lines from talks or favorite-shorter scriptures or mormon sayings or lines from hymns Whatever. Give it to me
P.s. If you're not Mormon, give me your favorite inspirational quote for life or Bible quote. Yes we do read and BELIEVE the Bible.
P.s.s. if you are Mormon, that last p.s. applies to you as well.
You can give me as many as you want. I want churchy quotes or inspirational words like "Just Be" (Tara Whitney's)
P.s.s.s. You don't have to know me to participate. I love a good lurker.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Hook me up
I've been searching all over for a blessing outfit for Beck. Alas, nothing has turned up unless I want him to wear something shiny or with a tacky vest or weird pleats. All of which is a big fat NO. I am considering this as a part of his outfit:

It's called a Christening Cape. No kiddin?
So please someone help--He's supposed to be blessed in December. Something simple and not creepy looking.
P.S. Did they have the internet in the early 80's???? Because if so--I went back in time today. Check THIS and don't forget to checkout their Second Page.
For real?

It's called a Christening Cape. No kiddin?
So please someone help--He's supposed to be blessed in December. Something simple and not creepy looking.
P.S. Did they have the internet in the early 80's???? Because if so--I went back in time today. Check THIS and don't forget to checkout their Second Page.
For real?
Friday, November 7, 2008
Ok, I just bought a new pair of jeans for our Family Photo. I need to get them altered because I'm short and I got them from Forever 21---yep totally squeezed into some. But of course now they are 2 feet too long.
So does anyone get their clothes altered in the Mesa area? Someone you trust--who can keep my original cuff? Please reply--and fast.
So does anyone get their clothes altered in the Mesa area? Someone you trust--who can keep my original cuff? Please reply--and fast.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Not an honest Superhero

Tonight Fieldwork Phoenix called to see if I qualified to do a study. So the lady asked me all kinds of questions pertaining to cold medicine and I gave her every answer I thought would get me into the study that pays $125. Then randomly at the end she asked:
"If you were a superhero and could have any superpower, what would it be?"
So I blocked my initial answer--which I've put much thought into and responded:
"My superpower would be to be able to sense when my kids were in danger"
Which is true--I'd like that superpower, but it's not THE superpower I have decided upon with much consideration.
My real one is an inappropriate superpower.
If I could have any superpower it would be to have the ability to cause a person to have sudden and uncontrollable explosive diarrhea.
Why would that be useful? Well consider these situations:
The lady at the restaurant who is talking much too loud on her cell phone and disturbing your night out. Bam--taken care of
The jerk on the freeway who is zooming in and out of traffic with no regard to anyone's safety. Bam--he's got to pull over--and quick
That person in line at the store who is being a jerk to the cashier--Bam, no time to be a jerk--gotta go.
And don't get me started on ACTUAL criminals. How can a person do a drive by with crap in his pants??? He'd be kicked out of that car for sure. A car full of crapped pants = no drive by.
So many opportunities present itself. I find myself on many occasions saying . . .
if only . . .
Sunday, November 2, 2008
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