So I'm going to do it--I'm going to find a quote or scripture and put it up. My style--with some help from a super talented friend (no pressure Molly). Because I don't do maroon crackle--it's jut not ME. So question is: What should I put? Ideas please Ideas. What are your favorite quotable lines from talks or favorite-shorter scriptures or mormon sayings or lines from hymns Whatever. Give it to me
P.s. If you're not Mormon, give me your favorite inspirational quote for life or Bible quote. Yes we do read and BELIEVE the Bible.
P.s.s. if you are Mormon, that last p.s. applies to you as well.
You can give me as many as you want. I want churchy quotes or inspirational words like "Just Be" (Tara Whitney's)
P.s.s.s. You don't have to know me to participate. I love a good lurker.
My favorite saying is "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all"
It's not really church related, but it's cute!
i have the same one as Amanda.
i also have -
"the joy of motherhood comes in moments" M.Russell Ballard. it happens to be Fuchsia. and i can always use that reminder.
"try a little harder to be a little better" ? i'm thinking that would be rad in the play room, good reminder for the kids.
what about the classic
"return with honor"
in the bathroom? "hold to the rod".
it only applies to hyrum and beck (someday)but still funny.
Hey Jill! I've been blog-stalking you for a month now...Love you're insights! My fav quote that's actually on my wall now, is one that people who don't know better think is religious..."What we do in Life, Echoes in Eternity...." It's actually from the movie "The Gladiator" Needless to say most people who come to my house haven't seen the movie, so no harm, no foul!!
I think you said it best: "I love a good lurker" right over the door where "return with honor" should be.
Impressive....I know this was a topic of ours when i lived there so I am super excited to see what you come up with...in your awesome style! also, I LOVE the old fashioned looking temple pics...have you seen them? I think they are at wallwoody.com....I have the IF one and love it because it's not the norm temple pics!
PS--I don't have any mormon quotes up either so I am anxiously reading all your comments!!!
Me and my sister in law feel the same way about the typical Mormon decor. The only thing I have hanging is a wood plaque with the 6 Be's from President Hinkley on it. We made it in enrichment last year. I thought it was very LDS of me. But I also love TW's "Just Be".
BTW I am a long time luker, first time commenter. :)
Coming out of the closet here. Love your photo blog, and this one is so entertaining.
My favorite quote is this
"Every Person God puts into our lives, Every Experience He give us...Is the PERFECT preparation for the future only HE can see."
It really helps me take my trials with a different attitude.
So I've had "Get Real" hanging up in my room for as long as I can remember. Even though it doesn't seem churchy...I think of it as being your real self - who God would want us to be. Baha, it works. ;)
"Be yourself, but be your better self."
-J. Golden Kimball
"What would you attempt to do, if you knew you couldn't fail?"
Look how many blog lurkers come out of the closet, nice work.
Write this in Magic Marker on a piece of card board and Duct Tape it to a wall.
"The Candland's are a mighty crew!Just watch the things that they say and do. And you will know what I say is true... and maybe you'll want to be like them too! WE WILL WIN!!!"
"What if the Hokey Pokey is what it's all about?"
"When you drink the water, remember the man who dug the well."
"Art washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life."-Picasso
"Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says: I will try again tomorrow."
"Be the change you want to make."
"Where we love is home. A home that our feet may leave, but never our hearts."
"Do not ask God to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet."
Sorry, obviously I really love quotes. :)
I have a quote on my wall that I love, it is long, it is in Akeelah and the Bee. Come to my house and read it.
"In all of living have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured." Gordon B. Hinckley
"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children."
-Kahlil Gibran
sorry i saw it and had to put it in here
"live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground every morning satan exclaims, 'oh Hell! she's awake.'"
and my personal favorite:
"3 o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do."
"There's room for eveyone on the nice list" from my all time favorite move Elf.
i tOO aM a LonG tImE luRkEr . . . tHanKs tO a MutUal fRiEnD oNeHM. SinCe yOu LikE tHe "&" sO mUcH I tHouGhT i WoUlD ShAre mY fAvoRiTe mOrmoN qUoTe.
"Be True to wHo You aRe
the Family Name You Bear."
~Pres. Gordon B. Hinkley.
I hAvE tHiS hAngIng iN mY liVinG ROOm witH an oveRsized "&" and GrOupinG oF fAmiLy pHotos.
I'm totally a lurker, but you crack me up. How bout "There is sunshine in my soul today" my fav hymn.
If you don't have a quote yet (just for laughs) Here some more from J Golden Kimbal. Golden was President of the Southern States Mission in his day. One tough guy didn't let anything pahse him. Seems like we could use him today:
Quotes from J. Golden Kimball:
"Cut me off from the church? They can't do that! I repent too damn fast."
"I may not walk the straight and the narrow, but I sure in hell try to cross it as often as I can!"
"There are not enough general authorities to do all the thinking for the membership of the church."
"I love all of the brethren, but I love some a hell of a lot more than I do others."
"I don't know how the people of St. George can stand the heat, the Indians, the snakes and the flooding Virgin River. If I had a house in St. George and a house in Hell, I'd rent out the one in St. George and move straight to Hell."
"This city (Brigham City) looks like hell. You need to clean things up, mow the grass, paint your houses and barns. And you sisters, you could stand a little paint yourselves."
"Young men, always marry a woman from Sanpete County. No matter what hard times you experience together, she has seen worse."
"I understand you brethren can't go on missions because you swear too much. You can overcome it. Hell, I did.'
"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings."
-- Hodding Carter
"Where there is love, there is life."
-- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
From this past conference:
"Come what may and love it."
Elder Wirthlin's mom said it.
I'm trying to find a way to put it in my house without using vinyl.
Here are a few quotes:
"The greatest battles in life are not fought on the distant field but within the chambers of one's own soul."
~ David O. McKay
"There is no grief so great, no pain so profound, no burden so unbearable that is beyond the Master's healing touch."
~ Joseph B. Wirthlin
Keep your testimony HONOR-bright.
Here's a funny one for the bathroom wall (if you've got boys).
Our aim is to keep this here toilet clean. Your aim would be appreciated.
Hope that makes you laugh!!!
"Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation."
~ Elton Trueblood
"Faith is an oasis that cannot be reached through the caravan of thinking."
~ Kahlil Gibran
"Doubt is too lonely a feeling to know that faith is his twin brother."
~ Kahlil Gibran
"And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair."
~ Kahlil Gibran
"Only those of little faith mistake local cloud cover for general darkness."
~ Neal A. Maxwell
I have a lot more...
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