I'm trying to make curtain sort of things that cover the pantry in my kitchen. So my questions are:
1. What online fabric stores do you recommend? Or local (Mesa, AZ) if you have any
2. Have you seen any fabrics in this color combo that you like? Send me the link.
I have GOT to make a decision. And unfortunately some of the fabrics I want, happen to be the fabrics everyone else wants, so they are out of stock. So my luck.
I don't sew but if I did I would buy her fabric. I love it, and it has a variety of colors.
Ashley Albright here, congrats on the long awaited boy, he is adorable and the first thing i wanted to see was what color hair he had. so funny. Well hope the family is good.
If you want local decorator quality fabrics the two I recommend in Mesa are Home Fabrics or Mesa Sales. Home Fabrics is the cheapest and if you dig hard you can find some great stuff for an even greater price.
haha..it took me forever to figure out what you were talking about a sewer for( like the toilet)..and then I realized..oh, sewer!!haha..im slow...sorry, no sewing skills here..
Heather Bailey has a neighboor who has a great shop out of her home. She carried lots of Heathers stuff (and I like her because you can go feel before you buy) She's in Gilbert, not far out though.Her name is Jona her blog is...
http://jonag.typepad.com/ and she has a link to her etsy store there.
and yes home fabrics is good too, but I dont think they have that much that is your style. They have more traditional home dec fabrics. Did you look at IKEA?
amy butler and Micheal miller..look it up. let me know if you need help:) I'm going to be making curtains for my bay window and kitchen window soon. fabric.com is where I love to shop all the time!
I like Heather Bailey and Amy Butler (Cic introduced me). I liked the one you have shown with the tiny green leaves - it's one I wanted to use on my kitchen windows. If you want to head out to that ladies house in Gilbert - I'd like to tag along.
I just happened upon you from mimiright's blog and I am so glad I did! You have cracked me up and brought some laughs to an otherwise ho-hum day! Anywho, try looking at some of the fabric at:
They have a LOT of designers and the prices aren't bad either. Hope that helps!
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