So this is my night. Kids were driving me crazy, wouldn't settle down for bedtime. Beck is fussy--and I don't know why, and Kizzy is being blatantly disobedient only when I'm holding or nursing Beck because she knows I won't do anything about it.
So when I finished feeding him, I laid him down--and Kizzy ran. Then I threatened the kids with no Halloween and it went something like:
"You girls are going to be so sad when all of your friends are out trick or treating, getting candy and you guys are at home because you wouldn't go to bed"
They ran--seriously--ran and leaped into their beds and haven't made a peep since.
Man I wish I had a good threat like that for every night.
So this is my reward--nothing like Blue Bunny Chocolate Bunny Tracks while balancing a newborn and attempting to blog.
p.s. I'll probably be neglecting this blog until after Christmas because I'm loaded with Photo editing to do. I'll be around every once in a while to come up for air