Me: Well, it's not a bad word, it's just not a nice word.
Red: Because The Juice just called me a moron
Me: The juuuiiiiicccceee (as she is walking into the room)
The Juice's face:

The Juice: Well . . . .
Me: Where did you hear that word?
The Juice: Well, I um ... I just made it up.
Hilarious! I just love the things kids come up with to get OUT of trouble....Austin brought home toys from school today in his pocket and was so proud....when I asked if he took them from Mrs. Deru's house....he says "nope, they are from daddy's"....hmmmmm....nice try KIDDO! Love this picture of the Juice!
sadly my kids(5 that talk0 use that word frequently. and they TOTALLY learned it from me. it's where they learn all the not nice words in their vocabulary. I am rad!
This girl looks like your brother Clint! I can see that in her face!!
We all know you must say moron all the time;)
Jill, what are you teaching your kids?! At least it isn't other bad words that my girls have learned from me! I'm horrible about that. I always blame my Mom and Grandma!
that's too funny! she made it up. smart kid!
You have hilarious kids (lets be honest, naughty really is funny most of hte time!) I love reading your stories and knowing that I'm like lots of other moms!
She is a total liar, I've heard that word before and I'm pretty sure she did not make it up.
Your kids are so darn cute, I can't wait to meet that little boy.
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