Why in the world would anyone want to run for 4 hours straight?
I have no idea.
But Hy did, and I'm proud of him for it.
Unfortunately I looked off just a mili-second before he crossed the line. I think i was watching someone pass out, and when I turned back I had missed the perfect photo-op. But I still got him under the clock, just not what I had envisioned in my head.
Hy ran the Ogden marathon last weekend. It was fun to go and watch all the people crossing. Some were still smiling, some were throwing up, and some were passing out. I was there early enough to see some qualify for the Boston marathon and that was exciting for them and for me to watch.

Here is Hy with his finishing medal, and his bloody nipple. OUCH.
Randomly enough he has decided to do it again, and go for a tri-athalon. Not the full ones, one of the smaller ones. But good for him.
Looks like I get to watch more passing out, vomiting and celebration. Woo-hoo!
Did you see the bloody nipple episode of the Office? HILARIOUSLY sad.
Congrats to HY!!
Lucky you to see all that racing goodness all over again!
Yes Hy wants to rewatch that episode now.
Yay for Hy! That is soooo great! It is HUGE around here...everyone I know is doing marathons & tri's! INSANE! They keep trying to get me to do it....but seirously....I don't run! Don't get it myself, but think it's awesome that people do it....so great for him!
yeah nice job!
someone forgot to wear bandaids on his top parts ouch.
I totally thought of that episode of the office too!
Wow, go him. I'm impressed...particularly that he wants to do it AGAIN!
JILL!!!!! hey its me! I ran across your blog from Leanna Holden's. Wow! I didnt recognize you at first..you look so different. Wow its been a long time! WE have to keep in touch. You can see our blog at troyporterfamily.blogspot. Take care!!!
Shut up, bloody nipples are for reals? He should have worn a Bro. Thanks for blogging, I've missed your wit.
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