I've had a few people ask me what point and shoot I would buy for Christmas. Being that I am SO knowledgeable about photo gear, I thought I'd tell you. The Canon Powershot SD 800 series is the camera I want and I'll tell you why.
This photographer couple recommended it
here. You can check out their website and they have taken many, very cool pictures with it. They researched the crap out of it, so you don't have to. What's great is that it has a fast shutter speed (none of that click and wait nonsense) and you can use a low aperture (more cool blur). And it has a wide angle lens (you can acutally fit all the people in the picture and not have to stand far back). So there are two that you can duke it out between. I see only one main difference between them:

This picture is of the SD 850, but they both look the same, so I just used this one.
35-140mm focal length
Price at Circuit City 299.99
SD870 (New Model)
28-105mm focal length
Price at Circuit City 322.99
So what that means is that the SD850 will has a farther zoom (if people are far away)
SD 870 has a wider angle (if people are closer to you, you can fit more in)
So it's up to you. Read what the photographers above said about it. They know more than I do.
I personally would probably pick the SD870, because I take more pictures close up than I do far away. But if my girls were in Soccer I might want the other one.
Hope this was helpful!
super helpful! i wish i was getting a new camera i told my hubby i wanted a cannon power shot! and here is a fab review of it! thanks!
love this camera series. it takes amazing photos.
I've used the 870 & love the wide angle lens! I give it 2 thumbs up.
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