One of my favorite Christmas tradition, new pajamas on Christmas Eve.

Santa came through. How cute is this? It matches their play room and happens to be Mrs. Clause' favorite color combination, pink and red. Santa sent me a message at Marshalls when I saw this gem just sitting in a corner. It's all wooden and made by the Brits. Santa had a heck of a time putting it together.

The inside of the lovely Dollhouse with all wooden furniture. I love it.

How great is it that it has a toilet? The Brittish think of everything. Red said that the Elves didn't do a very good job because the toilet seat isn't attached.

We were MAC people, now we're a MAC family. The girls went absolutely ape doodoo for this. It was the first thing they saw and all they said over and over was "We got our own computer!". Yes they are 5 and 3 and they have their own computer. But after the Juice knocked over our iMAC the day before (Yes I had a heart attack, but it's ok) the gift is none too soon. And as Red says "We're vanished from the big computer". And how cute is this little IKEA table. I love that Santa gets stuff from IKEA.

Red's loot --she's 5 (I make them do this so I don't have to write on the pictures)

The Juice's loot at age 3

Guess what the Juice got in her stocking?

Squoosh loves her giant stuffed animal horse ( I do not, but it makes her happy)

Santa brought a cute dress up for Squoosh

so cute! santa did a great job on that dollhouse! even if the toilet seat isn't attached. the computer and desk are fab! and we got the same penguin, and top! very fun loot! and awesome you are getting that new camera!
I got my man the fanciest lint brush I could find for Christmas. It's battery-operated and has a secret storage compartment and everything. I'm sure he was totally thrilled with it.
Very cute pictures. I Love, Love, Love that big pink playhouse.
Now that's my kind of doll house, very cute.
Way to go, Santa!
Those are the luckiest little girls in all the land...smart mama too with the age on their fingers. You rock.
Okay....that dollhouse so hip and cool...not what I had expected, so I take my vote back! :) Very fun! Love the pics with the girls loots and their ages.....never thought of that! Have a great time in Heber
I love those dollhouses! I wish I had a girl so I could play dolls again. I had a smokin awesome dollhouse as a kid and I still miss it!
So great! Love the doll house, Santa really came through, I know you were worried about that! I can't believe they got their own computer, so fun! At first I thought it was part of the doll house cause you can't tell what size it was. Then I realized it was real size. I was kind off impressed more about "Santa" finding the mini mac and ikea table though.
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