I got the idea HERE. She's a creative genius.
I called up my talented friend Molly and begged her to whip up a little label for me. I stopped by Wal Mart and got the Avery 25395 name badge labels, and all of the candy--and what do you know? They are cute as can be:
I had seen this project before so I had been keeping Crush bottles--and I had quite a few. My friend Darcy had given me some spray paint--so I painted the lids purple.
I filled them with either M&M's, Skittles or Reeses Pieces. Once my oldest saw them she said, what about the music teacher? and the P.E. teacher . .. and more. So I ran back to the store. By then i had figured out that it is cheaper to go with Skittles, so that is what i bought from then on.
In case you want to make them yourself, I figured it out to be about $2.50 per bottle. You can get a 6 pack of Crush for $2.66 at Wal-Mart. It takes a large bag (14 oz.) of candy to fill it, and has about a handful left over. Skittles are $1.98. M&M bag about the same size was $2.67.
They were fun to make--and I'm totally going to use this gig for everything now.
The girls were so proud handing them out today. And I bought a 6 pack of coke for the Day Janitor who had two clean up Josie's barf this year---twice.
Those are flipping rad! Thanks for sharing!
Oh man. Teacher thankses are the best. I spent so much of my finals week writing heartfelt notes instead of studying. My fave! The only problem is that it is so nerve-racking to pick out greeting cards for art historians. Oh boy.
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