I have actually enjoyed some of it. I made some brown rice in the rice cooker (oh yes you can) and we had Lemon Pepper White Roughy. It was delish (we are still eating fish-we're just off land animals)
Anyhow, I had some leftover in the fridge and I didn't want it to go to waste. I spotted some zucchini and I thought . . . . hmmm. So I sauteed it with olive oil and onion, added a little sea salt and fresh cracked peppper and put it on top. It was de-lish.

We also tried this recipe for Vegeterian Enchiladas. It tasted so good! Except the flour tortillas made it kind of soggy--so I might try corn next time. I also added some sauteed mushrooms in the filling.
Well I'm off to eat Pasta. It's easy and it doesn't moo, baa or cluck.
That looks freakishly healthy. Think I will have to go eat some chocolate to get that image out of my head.
Yum!!! Brown rice is such a blessing for vegetarians. Also good: lentils. I make big batches, then bring tupperwarefuls to school and microwave them there.
i have TONZ of vegetarian recipes. i love veggie food, but the really good stuff is often more time consuming to make, and sometimes more expensive.
Here's easy and cheap: Layer mild salsa mixed with chopped tomatoes, black beans, frozen corn, and cheese with corn tortillas, kinda like a lasagne. make sure it's juicy so the corn tortillas will soften up and make a yummy black bean tortilla pie.
i'm going to kanani's on sat to get annabelle's scripture bag.
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