My dishes. Broken. Everywhere. Actually. Just my cereal bowls. My colorful cereal bowls that I love. Yes the ones that are no longer available at Urban Outfitters. Boo. Hoo. Hoo. This is what I get. For showering. After the gym.
And this:

is what I get for cleaning the house and not paying attention to what is going on in the kitchen.
Not pictured: Honey Bunches of Oats cereal box emptied on the floor. Or the baking soda dumped out and stomped on.
I'm really sad about your bowls. I have a thing for colorful, glass bowls and it pains me to see yours in pieces.
One thing about boys that a woman told me when I was pregnant with Tucker. They think of things that girls would never dream of doing. I realized she was right the day Tucker poured a whole container of apple juice over his head because he said he was hot.
I'm so sorry. Those bowls....I'm crying with you! And if it makes you feel ANY better, x's it by 3 and welcome to my house! I seriously have just given up!!!
That's a boy for you! They love to destroy. But I would seriously take that over the girls hormones any day of the week. I loved my boys and was glad I only had two girls (which I love also). But I would take boys over girls.
I am right with you girl. My youngest boys are 3 and 2. They are into EVERYTHING. I lost a couple of my Anthropologie bowls yesterday, when the 2 year old climbed up onto the counter and reached up onto my open shelving to get the bagels. Luckily mine can be replaced. I love reading your blog. It always makes me smile.
My Dr. Destructo is almost out of that phase. Almost. I only have to deal with dumped out food every couple of weeks now.
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