A cat peed in my shoes. Well not really, at least I don't think so. But I have been randomly smelling cat pee around my house. Not on permanent objects, just illusive air. I hate cats, so it's really pissing me off. There are stupid cats that come in our back yard and poop if I don't throw rocks at them first. If I can catch the little jerks.
So I can smell it--and it's driving me BIZONKERS. So the other day I took off my sneakers, and there it was. THAT SMELL. What the crap? So I took a wiff of my sneaker. There it was. How the? What the? So it's been ME this whole time? What is SERIOUSLY WRONG with my body chemistry that my foot smell is cat urine like? G-R-O-S-S.
Just thought I'd share.
Antidotes are welcome.
I found pee in one of my shoes too. I blamed it on my friend's little brother, but now I'm thinking it was her nasty cat 'Booger'. I can finally let that poor little kid off the hook.
I doubt very highly that is your foot making that scent. I'd invest in some new shoes and see if it continues, but I doubt it will. Good luck and I can only imagine how mad you are at this....knowing your hatered of cats!
sprinkle some arm and hammer in there overnight, see if that does the trick.
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OY! that is grody!
funky feet odor can change. my sister reeks like canned peas. and the hubs? BUTTERED POPCORN! it's no good. and has ruined the love of popcorn for me.
hope it was just a random cat peeing in your shoe , imagine if that funk was you permanently. i'd take this as a strong excuse to rationalize a new shoe purchase pronto.
Pepper Spray seems to be a good idea here...I think sight might be run by the Mob thought..I mean really "How to get rid of STUFF?.com" I'm surprised one of the solutions isn't to visit a cement factory.
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