Why is my house completely clean by 9:00 a.m. including a load of laundry-washed, folded and put away? What else am I supposed to do while Hy is at the ER with Kizzy? Clean. Last night around 2 a.m. I heard crying, so I went in to her room and she was on the floor. She had fallen off the bed. So I put her back in bed, and she continued to cry--which woke up Beck. So then I told her to try to quit crying, and I held Beck for a while and tried to get him back to sleep. Then I put him down, he was still awake. And I laid down with Kiz. She'd calm down, then she'd yell out "It hurts! My Shoulder hurts!" Then she'd calm down. That was enough to wake up Hy, he came in and took her into our bedroom. Then we looked and couldn't see anything, but then he'd push on a part of her shoulder and she'd yelp out in pain, but she could move it. So the she slept in our bed and would wake up periodically and cry. So around 6:30 a.m. Hy decided to load her up and take her in.
Diagnosis: Broken collar bone
Just from falling off a normal sized bed. I guess it's not fully broken, it's bent. Random. So of course when she showed up home in her little hospital gown, I had to break out the big camera. The powershot just wouldn't do it justice.
Now isn't this just sad :(

Are you kidding me, she makes sick look cute. POor kid, I just want to squeeze her.
That is so sad. Give that child anything she wants.
poor girly :( she's a tough little cookie
Oh that is awful! Poor little thing....it's always the random stupid stuff that causes the most trauma at our house too...like jumping off the couch and bruising a bone? weird! Hope she gets better soon!
Poor thing! Give her kisses.
OH! dang! poor thing. that's super sad.
Oh, she looks so pitiful!
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