Not Awesome:
When you get a phone call on your cell while in Target and it's someone telling you that your home has been broken into, but nothing was taken and they caught the guy. Then trying to get home from Tempe Marketplace but the 101 is closed and Dobson and Price are both backed up because the 101 is closed. Then finally getting home and noticing no difference---no police car--no note from the policeman. But then having your neighbors tell you how a guy broke into the townhouses behind your house, then the cops came and he ran from them jumping into your neighbor's yard, but saw people so then jumped into your yard and then enters your house through the window above the sink that your forgot you opened earlier that morning because of the bacon you cooked. Then finding out that the police closed down all the surrounding roads, and had police cars galore, guns drawn all at your house. Oh and there was a police helicopter. Then having your neighbors tell you the story about how the guy was in your house hiding from police and how they caught him. Oh, and then never ACTUALLY hearing from any of the police. Even after you call and say--"Hey you apprehended a criminal in my home today--could I get some more info on that?" Freaky Deaky.
Not being home while the aforementioned happened. Could you imagine?
Also Awesome:
Having a neighbor who were so concerned about your family that he jumped into your backyard after the criminal to make sure you were ok. I heart my neighborhood.
I don't like that story at all.
That is super scary. And super awesome that you weren't home, and that you have such amazing neighbors.
Good neighbors rock.... glad you guys were ok.
Oh my gosh! That made my stomach feel queasy. I am so thankful you were not home!! And your neighbors are fantastic! Whew, glad that's all over for you.
Dani Gneiting babysat for us on Saturday and when she came over she said there were police all over her street and she didn't know why. That explains it. So glad you weren't home! P.S. I might have to copy your pillow idea with that to-die-for fabric that you found.
I'm going over there and sitting outside your house with my rocking chair and shot gun. See you in a couple minutes.
S-C-A-R-Y! I thought you moved out of the hood! I have to say that I am glad I don't live there anymore and I am SOOOO glad you guys weren't home! WOW!
uh, woah! So glad that you were not home!!! & glad that nothing was taken!!!
...S-C-A-R-Y! I thought you moved out of the hood!...LOL
Have Molly teach you some gansta signs.
woah..crazy, I heard Margaret Manning saying something about this, but I thought I heard her say something like it was a dream she had.. weird, so it was real! totally awesome you guys weren't home
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