So as I was awake last night from 4-5:30 I was thinking about random cruel jokes of pregnancy.
#1 How do doctors expect you to pee in a cup when all you see is this

#2 Ways to induce labor--
Castor oil? No thanks, I'd prefer to not have my tongue coated in funk and have uncontrollable diarrhea
#3 Ways to induce labor--
Nipple stimulation . .. really . . . like anyone wants to "roll nipple between thumb and forefinger"
#4 Ways to induce labor--
Getting busy. Again---cruel joke--I already feel like I have to pee every two seconds--that doesn't relieve the pressure
#5 Sleeping
I choose to look at night time sleep as a series of 1 1/2 hour naps with bathroom breaks
#6 Patience
Wait . . . what patience??? I have really good children, and I still want to ring their little necks
#7 Swollen feet
They got so bad yesterday that the bottoms were swollen. I can actually shake my left foot and feel the fluid moving around inside like jello.
#8 Body temperature
Seriously . . . is summer over yet???
#9 Getting dressed
You just hit a point where even the biggest maternity shirts just aren't covering it. I'm down to cotton capri short thingies and t-shirts I borrowed. Can I wear that to church???
#10 Progression
You could be at a 1 cm and 10% effaced and go into labor that day. Or you could walk around at 4cm and 90% effaced for weeks. Why bother checking? It's just ups the anxiety.
hang in there.
i hear pedicures with reflexology work wonders. or good foot massage? maybe someone could hook you up.
Chocolate is supposed to work too. my sister in law swears that Neilson's frozen custard. chocolate, plus chocolate and more chocolate does the trick.
i generally go the nympho route but then again, that's how i roll.
and i always get induced. but who wouldn't wanna try chocolate, and massage plus pedicure? and my lameA man Dr. always says soak in a pool for swelling.
good luck! hang in there. and i can't believe it's gone so fast. for me anyway.
When Tang went through it 11 years ago I had the perfect solution to all these problems. Give her plenty of room at night and work as many hours as possible so I would be so tired we would fall right asleep. Honestly I never heard her get up if she did... did she? Have Hy try it it might work.
#5 is already a problem for me and I'm only in my first trimester. Sucks!
Great observations, stay in there, your almost at the finish line!
OH so true! I hope you have your little guy soon! Can't wait to hear!!! :)
I linked over from Blog Segullah. Inducing labor--heat on nipples. I heated up a rice heating pad in the microwave and put it on my chest while I watched TV. Helped when I was overdue. I tried the whole sex thing. No go. Walking. etc. Good luck.
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