So, for a long time I have been wanting to start a new sort of blog post. More of a conversation, opinionated discussion among myself and anyone who wanted to comment. I am rarely offended, so when people completely disagree with me--and think I'm a lunatic, it doesn't bother me. In fact, I appreciate it. I listened to an NPR special once on how colleges used to be places where people debated topics from left to right and then left as friends. But with the advent of being "Politically Correct" it was no longer acceptable to be at complete opposites of the spectrum and keep the peace. So I've decided to display my opinions in hopes that others feel free to do the same. So if I spark an opposing viewpoint in you, great, leave me a comment. Just don't be a jerk about it. My goal it to be open and honest, and not apologize. It's what I think, it's my opinion. I'd love to hear yours. So join in, the more the merrier.
Topic #1
HURRICANES and other natural disasters.So I was reading on MSNBC about the latest hurricane . . Ike. It sucks for those people that their houses and such were wiped out. But I was reading a post on how there were long lines of people in line for food, water and ice. I have to admit, I didn't feel too bad for them. Mostly because the comments of some of the people like so . .
"Why didn't they call for volunteers when they knew this was going to hit?" grumbled Irene Makris, who waited in line but was told to drive to a station in another part of Houston, closer to her neighborhood. "This is bull."
My questions were:
A) Why didn't she get out of town if she knew it was going to hit
B)Why didn't she stock pile her own food and water in case something like this hit--if you live in a hurricane prone area, it shouldn't be a shocker
C) Why is it someone else's responsibility to feed and shelter her, if there was clear warning?
I was raised in a very traditional, old school---take care of your own butt--philosophy. If I got hit by a hurricane, didn't leave, and wasn't prepared with food or water to sustain my life and I called my mother or father and whined, or said anything about it their response would have been:
"Whose fault is that?"
To which my reply would have been "um . . . mine" . End of conversation.
I understand there are times when natural disasters hit, and there is no warning. I also understand that it must truly suck to be somewhere where you home can be leveled in a matter of hours. But I would also understand, that if I did live somewhere like that I would for darn sure have a stockpile of food and water, and money. And if I could leave, I would. Then I can imagine the "waaa waa waaa" replies of "but what if you are just barely scraping by". Well guess what, if I'm barely scraping by, I do the best I can---Everyone can have a week's supply of food and water. Really---is it other people's responsibility to feed and shelter me? Nope, it's mine. I do believe in helping and donating and volunteering. But those people better be super grateful, and not entitled.
I feel a bit heartless and lacking in compassion. Or maybe I save it for people who attempt to take care of their own.