Poor Hy. He was so tired from working all night. He said he almost rear ended someone on the freeway and he swears his eyes were open. Then I talked to him on the phone to keep him awake and he said "Oops I just missed the drive way" Then he came walking in all glassy eyed and stoned looking. He was swaying and almost falling over. So i had him sit down and eat breakfast while I went to take a shower. Then I realized I need a towel from the laundry so I came back out and this is what I saw. Red took this picture.
I shook him and said "wake up" and when he finally lifted his head, he opened his mouth and still had food in it. Poor thing. So then I left him awake and took a shower. When I came out he was asleep on the floor at the foot of the bed. He didn't even make it to the bed, so I had to wake him up again.
Sad Sad Hy.
p.s. he doesn't remember any of this
so scary. i hate that part of working at the hospital. i am worried from 7:15 to 8 when c. finally gets home. he's never even attempted breakfast before he's gone to bed. go hy.
Hy says:
In my defense, I was sick, too. Seriously, though, I have no recollection of breakfast or anything after. That's not at all typical. I'm usually up for church after work. Not awesome.
poor guy! That really is the saddest thing ever.....but reall funny that RED took that picture! You have her trained! Hope it gets better for you Hy
So Sad. But I do love the conversations had with a spouse who is totally knocked out and has no recollection- I had a great one with Dave where he told me about the helicopter is was going to buy and keep in our garage!
I love that he missed the drive way. Get some good shut eye man! and good luck with this crappy schedule!
Aw, that is so scary! Even if it's not typical, it would be scary just to have that chance there! Hope he gets better from being sick!
Oh how sad, I thought that only happened to kids. Some friends and I decided that outer darkness, is being that tired and not allowed to sleep. Pure torture.
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