I need help. I'm already hot and it's not even that hot outside. So being that I'll be pregnant and miserable this summer I've decided that I will wear one of two things this summer.
!. Swimsuit
2. Muumuu
So I'm looking for a hip muumuu. Any ideas? There has to be something out there with the way fashion is all tent-y. The muumuu I have pictured is a little too slim fitting. I basically just want something that has a neck and balloons out from there to increase air flow.
Send me some links if you've ever seen anything remotely like that. Or keep you eyes peeled at stores. The muumuu will be mostly for around the house, unless I can find a cute one. Come one, you all know it sounds inviting.
Hilo Hattie's in Hawaii:
maybe this lady would make you a dress like hers:
after a little google search, that's all I've got...except ebay & making one yourself....good luck.
I did find a few that were sleeveless, but I don't imagine you want to wear a t-shirt under your muumuu...kinda defeats the purpose.
This gal has a blog:
[url=http://jessicamcdougall.blogs.com/jessica_mcdougall/]Jessica McDougall[/url]
And she has really great fashion sense. She always answers questions...you could try her.
She might even have an idea that you could actually wear out of the house...Good luck!!
I see that my link is not easily read...
"One Exciting Life" on my links list!
They have super cute swimsuit cover type dresses at Walmart. They would be liberating and show enough skin to keep you cool and sexy over the summer.
amazing. that is all i have to say.
I have the perfect Idea! Miabellina.com sells an "undershirt" this has a low neck (covers G's, but doesn't come close to the neck to make prego's gaggy) has short, short sleeves (just long enough to cover G's) and it stops at the same place your bra does with a little elastic! So you can wear it under a tank-top tent dress, but not have anything extra on your belly! I live in these in the summer, because then you can wear cute Tank tops and not have to wear a full shirt underneath! They have white, cream, brown, and black! I LOVE THEM!!!
(I put a picture on my blog!)
Holy Cow! I have totally been thinking the EXACT same thing! I am already HUGE (I look about 15 weeks!!!) and am sooooo scared at how extremly huge I am going to get and figure that I have a hard time finding anything when I have just one baby towards the end, so I figured that by July all I would be able to wear is a mumu! So, this is perfect! I am so glad you did the post and hopefully it will help me too.....we'll have to be sure and post pictures in our cute new outfits! I so miss being prego with you in person!
i did see some cute ones at walmart and i almost bought it too but i was told that i was not allowed. i am gonna go back and get it though ;)
Husband says:
I'm maybe a little late on this, but I am going on record that Mumus (Mumi?) are not allowed. The last one that I saw had terry cloth around the collar. Why, you ask? To catch the "fat sweat" of course. Nasty.
Congrats! I'm so very behind on blogging. I can totally understand the mumus - no matter how ugly. Anybody who has summer babies in the valley should get special fashion pardons.
I found your blog because I googled "hip muumuu". I am also looking for one for this summer, although my friends have forbidden it. I am not fat, so that's not the issue, I just want to feel naked this summer!
I am going to try Hilo Hattie. My friends tried to talk me into a tank dress from Old Navy or something, but no, I"m going muumuu baby!
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