My husband and I make a great pair.
Why? Well--he has invented his own super power--so together, we can solve the world's problems.
Or at least the things that annoy us here in the Phoenix Metro area.
For our date on Friday we went and ate at Cafe Boa--holy delish. Go there. Get the bruschetta. And the Mushroom Ravioli in Tomato Cream sauce.
While there--Hyrum created his super power. He can get anyone's cell phone number--and call it without being traced.
How does that super power help? Well, it helps us greatly.
Like when we were at the restaurant and the couple at the table next to ours were both texting. That's when he realized his potential. He wanted to send them a text that said: "your date is lame"
Then later, when we were in the Ross parking lot (yes we have spicy dates). We witnessed a drug deal. When a cute little car with teenagers wheels speedily into the handicapped parking lot, and simultaneously a SUV wheels into the handicapped spot next to it, and a cute little blonde girl hops out and runs over and gives a slow/tight hug to the dreadlocked fella through his window, and then turns and bops back to her car and speeds off. Like then. He could have swiped the girl's cell phone number (and access her phone list) and text her parents saying "you're daughter just bought illegal substances in the Ross parking lot" and then also text that to her--with and ending tag line that says "you're busted".
See? Totally helpful.
And then when we were driving to the next shopping center--there was a dude on a bullet bike. You know--weaving in and out of traffic. We decided to combine our super powers when we saw him narrowly cut in front of the car that was in front of us. I would have zapped him with diarrhea and then Hyrum would have texted him and said, "we just saw you crap your pants. How do we know? Because it's coming out of the top of the boxers that are hanging too far out of your pants."
Then, when we were at Wal Mart--and there were three college girls checking out in front of us. And at first I was distracted by their short shorts. I was thinking--my girls better never wear those or I will flip. Then we saw what they came for--a pregnancy test. I think it was because she wears those shorts--or doesn't wear them :) She would get a text that read, "Hope it's negative. Good luck!"
And then, as we got in the car--we noticed the people in the car parked in front of us--feeding their parrots. Yes, not one, but two parrots--just hanging out on steering wheel of the car. The people were super nice--they were enjoying McDonalds hamburgers and fries--and sharing it with their parrots. One bite for the ladies, one bite for the parrots. They let us take a picture with them. Because that just doesn't happen. And they would get a "thanks for the pic with the parrot". See? We can use our powers for good.
I tell you--we make quite a pair. And I wish all of our date nights were that interesting.