Annabelle gets a weekly behavior report sent home with her homework. There are different generic issues that are listed like "Talking to others", "improper actions at recess" etc. etc.
So she got 2 marks under "not paying attention in class"
So we were going over her paper which was highly unacceptable in many areas. And she said, "but Mom .." and then I interrupted her and said "no excuses", and she said "but . . . " to which I said, "but nothing". Then she insisted I listen. Then she said,
"but Mom I was thinking about Jesus".
To which I said, "right . . . Jesus". And she insisted she was. (As I was smirking)
Then I said, "Then don't think about Jesus, you have all Sunday, and after school to think about Jesus"
She's usually a pretty honest kid, so it is possible.
But then again, she might be just very clever.