I was awake at 6a.m. this morning and I was thinking.
Thinking about how the best part of my days are measured in minute sometimes seconds.
10 minutes--when Josie crawls into bed EVERY morning to snuggle
2 seconds--Hearing Beck's first noises of the morning which comforts me (I'm totally paranoid about SIDS)
15 seconds--walking into Beck's room and watching his little legs kick and kick and kick with a delight as a huge grin lights up his face because he's in love with me.
3 seconds--the sound of the front door hand rustling signaling that Hyrum is home from work safely
5 minutes--reading a book to Kizzy while she sucks her thumb holding her wooby--and I feel like super mom
8 seconds--Beck gives one little whimper in protest, then falls asleep for his nap
1 minute--when Annabelle gets off the bus and I see her happily running towards the car
20 minutes--Dinner time with the whole family around the table, plenty of food, and always laughter
5 seconds--when Kizzy asks me for a drink and then pulls my hand saying "Come on Big Fat Woman"--although I find it rude, I also find it funny--where did she learn that?
2 minutes--Eating Vanilla Creme Joe Joes
21 minutes--Kids in Jamies watching 2 episodes of Angela Anaconda (follow up post later)
15 minutes--the time that one kid gets to stay up with Hyrum and I while the others go to bed. They each are assigned a night and they love it. And I love it.