A very tiny and cute amoeba. I intentionally neglected to list my other symptoms:
* hunger
*Dry Heaves
*A superhuman sense of smell
*Random inability to cry--that's a new one, it's usually the other way around. I've been wanting to cry, but can't. I have squeezed out a few, but then stopped seconds later. Weird
*Severe crabiness
The doctor ordered an ultrasound because I had NO idea when my last period was. no clue. So the tech said I am 10 weeks. Which rocks because that means I"m almost out of the ickies. That puts me due in September, around my birthday. UMM, that stinks. But so far I've been induced with them all, so I can make sure it's not my birthday. Unless I go on my own, and if that's the case, I'll be so excited I won't care.
I've never had an untrasound so early. It's weird because the tech said "there's an arm bud, and a leg bud. Not leg, not arm. But buds. it was a tadpole. Strange. But I got to see the little tiny heart, looks healthy. And my statistic loving doctor told me that once you see the heartbeat your chances of miscarriage go down to 2-3%. So I'm hoping we're good.
And today I woke up with a righteous head cold. Man all I want is some Nyquil, but I'll have to suffer with no drugs.
So this is the reason I've dropped off the face of the earth. I really was too tired, crabby, and apathetic to blog, or do anything. And I usually fall asleep before 9:00. Hopefully I'll be feeling better soon. We'll see.