Ok Ok so much to say, so little space. First of all--I'm done. I was done last night by midnight but I as too tired and mentally exhausted to post. I have been trying to post all day but for some reason my pictures wouldn't upload. Here I am now though. If you haven't read the book or finished it don't read on WARNING!!! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! Where do I start???? I can't really . . . I don't . .. I'm stuttering .. there was so much. She packed so much info in that book and wow what a way to start it out. I was up and down and up and down. I was amazed at how many things she addressed and gave a sufficient close to. So instead of going on and on I will just list my favorite parts. I don't have time to explain why, I'll just list.
Let's see . . .Kingsley's patronus at the wedding. The simplicity and urgency of the message, When Ron returned and instead of kissing him--she started hitting him (which made me remember that feeling as a teenage girl), Pottercast, Dobby's heroism, the Snape/Lily memories, Ron being able to smash the locket . . there is so much information I can't think. Maybe I'll remember more later---but one of my favorite favorite parts is when they are at Hogwarts and Harry leaves the room of requirement and goes up to Ravenclaw commonroom and then we he gets back it's full of all the people ready to fight. Then the whole fight with the teachers. We never get to see what the teachers actually can do because they were always in Dumbledore's shadow, but we get to see (especially Magonnagall) their magical prowess. That was just cool. I'll think of more later--then I'll post them. I was very sad though about Fred, but I knew that one of the Weasley's was going to get it because it was too unlikely that they would all come out of it unscathed. Dobby didn't hit me as hard although it should have--I think the kids were running around at the time or something. I liked how Malfoy didn't really make it out good or bad, just in the middle because it was more believeable. So that's it for now.
If you want to read something cool read
this. It is two writers for
The Onion who stayed up reading and blogging back and forth. it takes you through the same emotions as reading it--it was great.
And HOORAY!!! MaGonagall is not a spy. Sorry I even suspected her--Hyrum planted the idea.
The Line at Wal Mart

Almost there

Yes, we took the time to take a photo--and I AM an adult

Hyrum reading it on the way home from Wal Mart in the car (sorry it's sideways)